I know, I know. It doesn’t look like fall, and it certainly doesn’t feel like fall. Not that I have a countdown going or anything but in case you were wondering, fall starts in T-16 days. Pssst. Would someone please let Mother Nature know? 😉
Anyway, because I do my best work when I plan it out AND because the seasons tend to creep up on me, I’m really trying to think ahead. Maybe I’ll even decorate more this year than just hanging a wreath on my front door and putting a knit pumpkin on the mantle.
Here’s a few early fall garden chores that I’ve come up with. I’ve made a printable as well available at the end of the post for download. I find So. Much. Joy. In crossing items off a checklist. Surely, I’m not alone.
Remove any dead or diseased plants from garden beds, including vegetables that are past the harvesting season.
Till the soil to loosen up any remaining roots.
Reduce watering of perennials and remaining annuals as the temperature cools. The plants will not need as much water and (hopefully), it will rain in the near future.
Clean up edging along walkways.
Continue pulling and/or spraying weeds.
Put away gardening tools that won’t be needed until spring – tomato cages, stakes, labels, etc.
Apply a layer of compost on vegetable beds (we have mushroom compost in stock).
Assess any trees or shrubs that need to be replaced, and plant new ones as needed.
Plan and prepare next year’s planting area, including new beds that need to be dug or built, irrigation needs, etc.
Collect and store seeds used for spring and summer sowing in a cool, dry place.
Please note that this list likely works best for Zones 7a-8b. As a Canuk, I know that additional chores are needed further north in September & October to prepare gardens for winter and protect tender plants. There's more to come for southern gardeners in late October / Early November.
And more good news - we re-open after our summer hiatus on Saturday September 16 at 9am.